Create a range of wellness plans for dogs and cats across age groups. Offer dynamic add-ons that appear depending on the pet’s age, breed, sex, and medical history.
Wellness solutions that delight
Pet Parents
Clinic Teams
Pet Parents
Clinic Teams
Pet Parents
Clinic Teams
Generate recurring revenue, maximize compliance, and improve parent loyalty
avg plan adoption rate
Increase in NET Revenue
Increase in NET Profit
Wellness plans made easy
Treat your pet parents to an engaging signup process that registers them in under two minutes! The client experience is white-labeled with clinic-specific branding.
Empower parents with automated reminders, access to diagnostics, prescription refill requests, appointment-booking, and messaging. Available as a white-labeled web portal, iOS, and Android app.
Multiple PIMS across your organization? Serve your clients from any practice with integrated and synchronized member management, regardless of each practice’s PIMS.
Gain deep insights into your wellness plan revenue, margins, compliance, and more. Analyze key metrics across your organization or dive deep into a specific practice.
See how much your practices could make
Your Nest Revenue
• 2,000 pets served per clinic each year
• Plan margin is 28%
• $960 / year average membership
Learn how Village Vets increased revenue by 33% with Nest’s Wellness Plans
By combining intelligent plan design with world-class user experience, Village Vets was able to convert 30% of appointments to wellness plans
"Our team is deeply passionate about the impact that wellness plans have for parents and pets. The platform makes administration easy for our team so we can focus on providing high caliber care for our clients.”
Why partner with Nest
Ultimate Flexibility
Custom Plan Creation
Increase average member revenue by offering multiple tiers and personalized care upgrades.
Streamlined Signups
Maximize conversions with expedited client signup that integrates with your PIMS and clinic flow.
Seamless Integration
Serve every member from any location in a multi-PIMS organization with integrated and synchronized member management.
Revenue Optimization
Intelligent Marketing
Optimize signups, retention, and compliance with abandoned signup outreach and compliance reminders.
Robust Reporting
Augment executive decision-making with analytics on revenue, margins, enrollment, and more.
Tailored Training
Boost referrals with tailored training and ongoing data-driven coaching for your staff.
End-to-End Management
Smart Billing
Nest clients average a 99.8% revenue capture rate with automated expired card updates, smart-retries, and billing reminders.
Delightful Parent Experience
Empower parents to view their plans, access test results, book appointments, refill prescriptions, and message their care team.
Round the Clock Live Support
Provide best in class client support with dedicated member support who knows your plans inside and out.